Countryfile Magazine inspires you to explore forgotten corners of the great British countryside and provides knowledge of the people and wildlife that inhabit it. We want to tempt you into trying new things, seek out new places and make the most of Britain’s beautiful landscapes.
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BBC Countryfile Magazine
Climb high to clear your head • Discover exciting new days out every month with a subscription to BBC Countryfile Magazine
Best mazes in the UK • Looking for a challenge that appeals to the whole family? Getting lost has never been such fun, says Dixe Wills. Here are his magnificent seven planted puzzles
RARE ROMAN KNIFE HANDLE DISCOVERED AT HADRIAN’S WALL • Find in the River Tyne in Northumberland proves ‘celebrity cult’ of gladiators, say experts
‘WITCHES MARKS’ FOUND AT MEDIEVAL MANOR HOUSE • The “staggering” number of carved rituals elevates 15th-century Gainsborough Old Hall to one of Britain’s spookiest buildings
STRATEGIC TREE PLANTING TAKES ROOT • New agroforestry guide helps farmers meet environmental goals
The Plodcast • Tune your ears into our podcast this February
BRITAIN’S ‘ROYAL FISH’ ON THE BRINK OF EXTINCTION • Urgent conservation action is required if we’re to save the sturgeon from disappearing from UK waters, say experts
FOLKLORE FOCUS • Ancient Gaelic festival Imbolc celebrates a reconnection with nature, says Pat Kinsella
THE QUEEN OF COUNTRY CRIME • Author of the beloved series starring DI Vera Stanhope, crime writer Ann Cleeves finds her inspiration in the landscapes of the north
Vegan peppermint lip balm • Soothe winter-chapped lips with this irresistible homemade lip balm from sustainable-home expert Jen Chillingsworth
Will a new national trail provide better access to nature?
Pub closures and fewer hops leave UK brewers in a fight for survival
Subscription offer! • Bring the beauty of the British countryside to your doorstep in 2025
DISCOVER The forgotten valley • In the heart of England, find a lost world straight out of storybooks, where castles, medieval manor houses and ancient inns await. Tim Relf takes a wander in the Welland Valley
NOW GO THERE • Tim Relf on where to eat, sleep and visit in the Welland Valley
In troubled waters • A mass die-off of over one million salmon at a Scottish fish farm last year had many questioning the health of the industry. James Fair asks what the future holds for both fish farmers and consumers
PROTECTING PACIFIC SALMON • Canada plans to ban open-net pen salmon farming on its west coast. Is there a case for the UK to follow suit?
CHANGING LABELS • Was the Government’s dropping of ‘Farmed’ labels a smokescreen? Not according to Salmon Scotland
TOP 10 REMOTE PLACES IN THE UK • There’s something aweinspiring about a place that’s remained untamed. Dixe Wills picks his favourite wild sites
Coalition of the willing • Growing a rainforest takes time, ingenuity and passion. Oh, and a bit of dragon skin. Danny Graham meets the people fighting to save Scotland’s rare habitats
SCOTLAND’S RAINFORESTS • Where to visit these precious habitats
MORE TO EXPLORE • Four woodlands to visit across the UK and Ireland
Banish the winter blues • Overcome by annual anxiety, Helen Moat set out on a quest to dispel her low winter mood. Via Lapland, Japan and Britain’s remote and rugged landscapes, she discovers how nature itself has the answers
HIGHER GROUND • A trio of upland locations to...